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Facebook Bold Text Application

Posted by: Joy  :  Category: Facebook Tips
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Facebook LogoMany people ask how to add bold text to facebook wall?. Well, you can do this using this application, called Facebook Bold Text. This one is only a simple applications that will add bold or bold italic formated text to your wall. You can send the text directly to your own wall or to your friend’s wall.

How to use this application? Simply type your message on the “message” box, choose the destination, then click the “send” button. There are six types of formated text you can use :

  1. Plain Bold
  2. Bold Italic
  3. Bold Strike
  4. Bold Underline
  5. Bold Italic Strike
  6. Bold Italic Underline

Below is the screenshot of the application interface :

Facebook Bold Text Application

and this is the screenshot of the wall feed seen on facebook mobile :

Facebook Bold Text Feed

as you can see, even on mobile device, the text will look bold, looks different from other text on the wall or user’s home feed. This way, people will see your status update or wall comment clearly among other wall feed.

Additionally, you can find a StrikeThrough Generator inside the application, you can use it to add strikethrough to your bold text. Happy connecting with Facebook Bold Text ;)

14 Responses to “Facebook Bold Text Application”

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  1. 5
    zhelin Says:

    yup I understand, the things I like on the application beside your java script is the, arrangement of the box… pretty well layout…

    I really like that.. how about without the java source?? for sure without the java the application wont work right?? but if not again it;s ok.. you’re amazing

  2. 6
    Joy Says:

    ^ glad u like it, hope facebook will still allow this bold tweak to exist on our wall

  3. 7
    zhelin Says:

    I hope so…

  4. 8
    zhelin Says:

    om joy

    Can i have at least the code of my friend wall and my friend its a part only of the application.. i like it to apply on mp3 wall..

    if not, still ok hehe ^^

  5. 9
    Joy Says:

    it uses FBML fb:friend-selector
    the element name for the return value is friend_selector_id
    so you will get the value through $_POST['friend_selector_id'] when u are using post action on the form, you can find more referrence about it here :

  6. 10
    Marsel Suhendra Says:

    Sebagai salah satu pengguna Aplikasi ini mau saran boleh, tidak ? Kenapa klo jika kita klik cetak miring semua kata2 nya …? bisa ngga untuk satu kata bukan satu kalimat secara keseluruhan atau huruf coretnya ^^ jadi dicoret semua. Coz saya masih baru .

  7. 11
    Joy Says:

    terima kasih masukannya. memang sedang diusahakan ke arah sana sel, yang jadi masalah adalah, aplikasi ini menggunakan platform fbml, bkn iframe, jadi bnyak sekali keterbatasan dalam hal coding. untuk sementara bisa menggunakan kode2 html seperti <strike> or <i> petunjuk pemakaian menyusul di dalam aplikasinya sendiri nanti. trm kasih bnyak marsel ;)

  8. 12
    yok Says:

    plain bold

  9. 13
    DiM4sH Says:

    keren gan blog na izinkan saya copas banner anda ea gan

  10. 14
    Joy Says:

    ok bro dimash, silakan bro, sudah di link balik yah ;)

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